CROSS event highlights 3 years of projects for science and society


Event details

Date 13.12.2024
Hour 13:3016:30
Speaker Moderation by: Jamie Paik, Alain Kaufmann, Frederic Kaplan, Gabriela Tejada and Claire Arnold
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language French, English

This event presents CROSS projects of the last three years (themes: 2022 “Responsible innovation”, 2023 “Crisis”, and 2024 “Open theme”). Grantees will present and discuss their research results and experiences with members of the CROSS scientific committee and the public, based on three aspects:

  1. Interdisciplinary collaboration (synergy and integration, challenges and learning, advancing interdisciplinary knowledge)
  2. Social impact (relevance and reach, engagement with society, long-term impact)
  3. Perspectives and future directions (future research and development, broader implications and trends, reflections on responsible innovation)
The usefulness and effectiveness of CROSS funding, as well as its operational form, will be addressed in view to the 2026 Call for projects next spring.

The EPFL-UNIL Collaborative Research on Science and Society (CROSS) Program encourages interdisciplinary projects that deal with current issues in society and technology, associating specialists in the human and social sciences on the one hand, with specialists in the life sciences, natural sciences or engineering on the other. Through an annual call for projects, CROSS provides competitive grants (up to CHF 60’000 per project) to support new seed research endeavors that have the potential to grow into full-scale interdisciplinary research projects, with a view to obtaining major funding.

The event is open to EPFL and UNIL communities.
An apero will be offered to all participants at the end.

> Registration is mandatory (deadline: Thursday, 5 December, 10pm.)

Don't miss the opportunity to get first-hand information about the CROSS research program!