MICHAEL WOLLNY: workshop to better understand intuition in musical improvisation


Event details

Date 10.05.2022
Hour 18:1520:00
Speaker Michael Wollny, jazz pianist & Prof. Martin Rohrmeier, EPFL DCML Director
Category Cultural events
Event Language English

Michael Wollny is a jazz pianist and composer invited by the Digital and Cognitive Musicology Lab (DCML) as part of the College of Humanities Artist-in-Residence program. His residency runs through the spring and fall of 2022. On the occasion of his first visit to campus, the artist will offer a workshop - in collaboration with DCML professor Martin Rohrmeier - as well as a concert at the Rolex Forum with his trio.

With Michael Wollny and Prof. Martin Rohrmeier (DCML)

  • What roles do ‘artistic research’ and ‘informed intuition’ play in the creative process?
  • How are pieces created?
  • How are ensembles formed?
  • How does one compose for improvising musicians?
Using selected examples of Wollny’s work, both as a soloist and as part of an ensemble, this workshop will shed light on underlying motifs, aesthetic ideas, musical structures, and the working process itself. It will focus on the relationship between material, process, and moment.

The workshop is open, and everybody is invited to bring their own questions, ideas, and even their own works for feedback and discussion.
The workshop will be held in English.

Michael Wollny Trio - Concert and Academic Dialogue

The academic discussion will be moderated by Prof. Martin Rohrmeier
  • Michael Wollny (piano)
    Christian Weber (bass)
    Eric Schaefer (drums)
Michael Wollny and his trio will perform some of their recent compositions. The event will also feature academic dialogue and interaction with the audience. It will look into the artists’ workflow, questions of aesthetics and expression, collective improvisation and the role of the “now” in live music creation.

>>> Open to all, upon registration

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • College of Humanities, Artist-in-Residence Program


concert jazz piano
