
Universal compression of images: send the model?

Start date: 12.12.2018 10:00 12:00

Speaker: Aline ROUMY, INRIA-Rennes (France) Aline Roumy received the Engineering degree from Ecole Nationale Superieure de ... Location: Category: Conferences - Seminars
Target audience: Informed public


Data compression and secrecy by design

Start date: 12.12.2018 14:15 15:15

Speaker: Dr. Yanina Shkel, Princeton Yanina Shkel is a research scholar in the department of Electrical ... Location: Category: Conferences - Seminars
Target audience: Informed public


WORKSHOP: Accelerate your startup ́s growth with public funding (hosted by Catalyze)

Start date: 12.12.2018 16:30 19:00

Speaker: SPEAKERS: Virginia Ballotta, Country Manager Switzerland Sabine Oppedijk, Consultant Ming Wang, Consultant Location: Category: Conferences - Seminars
Target audience: General public


IC Colloquium: Program Synthesis for Reliable and Interpretable Artificial Intelligence

Start date: 13.12.2018 10:15 11:30

Location: Category: Conferences - Seminars
Target audience: General public


Visit-Lunch ArtLab exhibition - THINKING MACHINES

Start date: 13.12.2018 12:15 13:00

Speaker: EPFL Artlab Location: Category: Exhibitions
Target audience: General public


Towards a molecular-level understanding of bacterial type 3 secretion: Resolving cytosolic complex formation in living cells by tracking single-molecules

Start date: 13.12.2018 15:00

Speaker: Prof. Andreas Gahlmann Center for Cell and Membrane Physiology University of Virginia Location: Category: Conferences - Seminars
Target audience: General public


IC Colloquium: Efficient Profile Maximum Likelihood for Universal Symmetric Property Estimation

Start date: 13.12.2018 16:15 17:30

Location: Category: Conferences - Seminars
Target audience: General public


IGM MA THESIS in a lab : Pitch & Apero

Start date: 13.12.2018 17:15 19:00

Speaker: Differents speakers (Prof. & PhD) from 5 IGM labs Location: Category: Conferences - Seminars
Target audience: General public


Blockchain Hackathon

Start date: 15.12.2018 08:00 18:00

Speaker: Blockchain Student Association and LIAN Group Location: Category: Conferences - Seminars
Target audience: Informed public


Scala spree next to the Scala stairs

Start date: 15.12.2018 10:00 17:00

Location: Category: Conferences - Seminars
Target audience: General public