“Spatial Anion Control for Direct C-H Arylation”
Start date: 12.01.2022 14:15 › 15:15
Speaker: Prof. Ilja Coric, University of Zurich Location: BCH 2201 Category: Conferences - Seminars Target audience: General public
“Alkenes as Universal Functional Group Progenitors”
Start date: 13.01.2022 17:15 › 18:15
Speaker: Prof. Keary Engle, Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla USA Location: Online Category: Conferences - Seminars Target audience: General public
monthly Grad Student Mini-Symposium (IBI-EDBB)
Start date: 14.01.2022 17:00 › 18:00
Speaker: EDBB grad students Location: via Zoom web-streaming only, due to Covid-19 pandemic , Online Category: Conferences - Seminars Target audience: Informed public
CECAM-MARVEL Classics in molecular and materials modelling: Rex Godby, Lucia Reining and Steven Louie
Start date: 18.01.2022 16:00 › 19:00
Speaker: Rex Godby, Lucia Reining, Steven Louie Location: Online Category: Conferences - Seminars Target audience: Informed public
MARVEL January Junior Seminar
Start date: 28.01.2022 14:00 › 15:15
Speaker: Marta Brzezińska & Lorenzo Monacelli Category: Conferences - Seminars Target audience: Informed public
Start date: 04.02.2022 17:00 › 18:00
MARVEL Distinguished Lecture — Sharon Glotzer
Start date: 08.02.2022 16:00 › 17:15
Speaker: Sharon Glotzer (Uni. of Michigan) Location: Online Category: Conferences - Seminars Target audience: Informed public
MARVEL February Junior Seminar
Start date: 25.02.2022 14:00 › 15:15
Speaker: Francesco Libbi (EPFL) & Anna Hehn (UZH) Category: Conferences - Seminars Target audience: Informed public
Prof. Dr. Mirijam Zobel : Structure and dynamics at nanoscale interfaces with X-ray and neutron scattering
Start date: 25.02.2022 16:15 › 17:30
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Mirijam Zobel, Institute of Crystallography, RWTH Aachen University, Germany Location: Online Category: Conferences - Seminars Target audience: Informed public
IMX seminar: Engineering the Functional Properties of Low Dimensional Materials at the Nanoscale: from Nano-Phononics to Nano-Photonics, and beyond
Start date: 28.02.2022 16:00 › 17:00
Speaker: Marta De Luca, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy Location: Online Category: Conferences - Seminars Target audience: Informed public