
The Wonder Way, a film by Emmanuelle Antille

Start date: 13.05.2024 18:00 20:15

Speaker: Emmanuelle Antille, Didier Queloz Location: Category: Cultural events
Target audience: General public


Call for projects: CROSS 2025 (Collaborative Research on Science and Society)

Start date: 23.04.2024 End date: 27.06.2024

Category: Call for proposal
Target audience: Expert


"Be Inspired" 01 : Ingénierie et transidentité

Start date: 14.05.2024 12:15 13:15

Location: Category: Miscellaneous
Target audience: General public


BMI Distinguished Seminar // Dayu Lin: The multi-phase plasticity supporting winner effect

Start date: 15.05.2024 12:15 13:15

Speaker: Dayu Lin, NYU Neuroscience Institute, New York, USA Location: , Online Category: Conferences - Seminars
Target audience: Informed public


Guided tour of the fixed works of art on campus

Start date: 16.05.2024 12:00

Speaker: Véronique Mauron Layaz, historienne de l’art et responsable du CDH-Culture Location: Sur l'Esplanade Category: Exhibitions
Target audience: General public


Muscles : questioning the language of the body in the public space

Start date: 21.05.2024 12:00 13:00

Speaker: Sara Leghissa, Nathalie Garbely, Sandra Cane et Claire Logoz Location: Category: Cultural events
Target audience: General public


What place for critical thinking in the age of AI?

Start date: 22.05.2024 12:15 13:15

Speaker: Mark Hunyadi, professeur de philosophie sociale, morale et politique à l’Université catholique de Louvain (BE) ... Location: Hall du Rolex Learning Center , Online Category: Conferences - Seminars
Target audience: General public


Assistive Tech. Challenge - prototype presentation

Start date: 30.05.2024 10:00 14:00

Location: Category: Conferences - Seminars
Target audience: General public


BMI Distinguished Seminar // Mario Penzo: Neural mechanisms governing the learning and execution of avoidance behavior

Start date: 19.06.2024 12:15 13:15

Speaker: Mario Penzo, National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, USA Location: , Online Category: Conferences - Seminars
Target audience: Informed public


Exoskeleton Day Workshop

Start date: 26.06.2024 09:00 17:00

Speaker: •Prof. Dr. Mohamed Bouri, BioRob - EPFL •Prof. Dr. Sebastien Tobler, SCI-Mobility Lab, Haute école ... Location: Category: Conferences - Seminars
Target audience: General public