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EESS Student talk on "Invasive palms do not benefit from warming compared to native trees"

Start date: 01.04.2025 12:15 12:45

Speaker: Thibaut JUILLARD​​​​​​​, PhD Student, PERL Location: , Online Category: Conferences - Seminars
Target audience: General public


EESS Student talk on "High-throughput isolation of anaerobic arsenic-methylating microorganisms"

Start date: 01.04.2025 12:15 12:45

Speaker: Hugo Sallet , PhD Student, EML Location: , Online Category: Conferences - Seminars
Target audience: General public


EESS talk on "From smartphones, drones and satellites: Revealing the diversity and resilience of ecosystems at global scales."

Start date: 08.04.2025 12:15 13:15

Speaker: Dr. Teja Kattenborn, University of Freiburg Location: , Online Category: Conferences - Seminars
Target audience: General public


Information session: CAS in Value Chain Data Technologies

Start date: 08.04.2025 18:00 18:30

Speaker: - Elaine Moran, SRVC Executive Director Location: Online Category: Miscellaneous
Target audience: General public


Prof. Jin Shang : Advancing the Molecular Trapdoor Mechanism for Precision Adsorption and Selective Sieving

Start date: 11.04.2025 16:15 17:30

Speaker: Prof. Jin Shang, School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Location: , Online Category: Conferences - Seminars
Target audience: Informed public


EESS talk on "Exploratory hunt for viruses uncovers diverse phages in alpine streams"

Start date: 15.04.2025 12:15 13:15

Speaker: Wai Hoe Chin, Postdoctoral Researcher, RIVER Location: , Online Category: Conferences - Seminars
Target audience: General public


EESS Student talk on "Climate-relevant natural aerosol processes in the Arctic"

Start date: 20.05.2025 12:15 12:45

Speaker: Nora Bergner, PhD Student, EERL Location: , Online Category: Conferences - Seminars
Target audience: General public